Michael E. Gerber, author of the #1 most successful business book ever, The E-Myth, calls Take the Fear Out of Franchising a “great book” that is “a must for any prospective franchisee or franchisor.” Written by one of the world’s foremost authorities on franchising, Dr. John P. Hayes, Take the Fear Out of Franchising gets right to the nub of what’s really important about buying, owning and operating a franchise. Many people who consider buying a franchise never do because they get stuck in the process. That’s fear! Sadly, people often get stuck over points of little or no consequence, says Dr. Hayes, and that’s because they fall into the trap of investigating franchising as an industry. He says that process forces people to concentrate on the wrong points of information and it is mostly a waste of time. It creates more fear and ultimately immobilizes people.
Two franchise best-sellers in one collection! 101 Questions To Ask Before You Invest In A Franchise and 7 Dirty Little Secrets of Franchising are included in How To Buy A Franchise: Collection Volume I. Reading this book will help you know which questions to ask and, more importantly, who to ask. You’ll find questions for franchisors, franchisees, professional advisors, and others. The book helps you think about your responsibilities as a franchisee, leading you to even more questions that will ultimately help you gain the confidence that you need to buy a franchise. Franchising is fabulously successful for many people worldwide. It can be for you, too, especially if you buy the right business.
Buy “Hot” Franchises Without Getting Burned – A How To Franchise Guide: Helping You Make the Best Decision When You Buy A Franchise
by Dr. John P. Hayes
Dr. John Hayes has created a user-friendly guide to getting the right information you need, and assisting you in making the best decision when buying a franchise. The book includes a series of checkpoints that anyone can use to explore and evaluate franchise opportunities.
“Don’t consider any franchise until you have worked through the checklist in this book! John Hayes explains clearly what you must know to make a good decision about investing in a franchise.” – Adam J. Savage
7 Dirty Little Secrets of Franchising: Protect Your Franchise Investment
by Dr. John P. Hayes
In Seven Dirty Little Secrets of Franchising, Dr. John Hayes shows you how to take franchise due diligence and the explorative work that you must do before you buy a franchise (if you plan to succeed), to a new level of expertise. There are secrets that franchisors don’t want you to know; secrets they’re are not legally required to disclose. Get a look “under the covers!”
101 Questions To Ask Before You Invest In A Franchise
by Dr. John P. Hayes
What’s keeping you from buying a franchise? Information! Especially information that you can trust. You know that you want to be in business for yourself, but you can’t make that move until you feel confident that it’s right for you, and you won’t feel confident until you get answers to your questions. In 101 Questions To Ask Before You Invest In A Franchise, Dr. John Hayes helps you know what and who to ask to gather franchise information that you can trust!